2015 B.S. 화학공학/신소재공학, UNIST
2021 Ph.D. 에너지화학공학, UNIST
2021-2021 Postdoctoral Research Associate, UNIST
2022-2024 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge
2024-현재 숙명여자대학교 화공생명공학부 조교수
전공 및 연구분야
멀티스케일 분자 모델링 및 시뮬레이션
계산 화학 및 전산 재료 과학
인공지능 기반 소재 발굴
⭘ "Direct Electrochemical Functionalization of Graphene Grown on Cu Including the Reaction Rate Dependence on the Cu Facet Type", ACS Nano, 17(19), 18914-18923, 2023
⭘ "Effects of Methoxy Substituents in Contorted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage", ACS Energy Letters, 7(12), 4142-4149, 2022
⭘ "Subnano-sized silicon anode via crystal growth inhibition mechanism and its application in a prototype battery pack", Nature Energy, 6(12), 1164-1175, 2021
⭘ "Catalyst- and Solvent-Free Synthesis of a Chemically Stable Aza-Bridged Bis(phenanthroline) Macrocycle-Linked Covalent Organic Framework", Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 60(31), 17191-17197, 2021
⭘ "Electrochemical scissoring of disordered silicon-carbon composites for high-performance lithium storage", Energy Storage Materials, 36, 139-146, 2021
⭘ "Synthesis of a Copper 1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-
⭘ "Pyridinic-to-graphitic conformational change of nitrogen in graphitic carbon nitride by lithium coordination during lithium plating", Energy Storage Materials, 31, 505-514, 2020
⭘ "Lithium Accommodation in a Redox-Active Covalent Triazine Framework for High Areal Capacity and Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries", Advanced Functional Materials, 30(36), 2003761, 2020
⭘ "Chemically induced transformation of chemical vapour deposition grown bilayer graphene into fluorinated single-layer diamond", Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 59-66, 2020